Open for Business - But Not As Ususal
Rolf Prima(Astral Cycling) joins the nation to stop the spread of the Corvid19 epidemic. We are making
every effort to get you what you need while adhering to the strictest of standards. These include:
- Remote work for all applicable positions.
- Limited on-sight staffing – no more than 6 staff members on site at any time.
- Extreme cleanliness and sanitation guidelines.
- Adherence to all national and locally issued health precautions.
As of 3/23 we will also be partially re-directing our resources to the production of medical goods for our
hospitals and community members.
Please understand that this, along with staffing changes and national shipping delays could increase the
time of order. We will be in contact directly, should your order face delays.
Lastly, a sincere thank you for your support during this time – of Rolf Prima, all small US-businesses and
one another.
every effort to get you what you need while adhering to the strictest of standards. These include:
- Remote work for all applicable positions.
- Limited on-sight staffing – no more than 6 staff members on site at any time.
- Extreme cleanliness and sanitation guidelines.
- Adherence to all national and locally issued health precautions.
As of 3/23 we will also be partially re-directing our resources to the production of medical goods for our
hospitals and community members.
Please understand that this, along with staffing changes and national shipping delays could increase the
time of order. We will be in contact directly, should your order face delays.
Lastly, a sincere thank you for your support during this time – of Rolf Prima, all small US-businesses and
one another.