The Legacy Continues - Under New Ownership
January, 1st 2023 marked the start of a new era here at Rolf Prima and it’s going to be a great one. After two decades of close collaboration, innovation, support and partnership with White Industries of Petaluma California, they have taken ownership of our brand. This well-suited match is a winner for all involved – most importantly you, our customers.
We’ll continue business as usual with our team in Eugene, Oregon while they do the same in California. The only changes you’ll see are those brought on by our strengthened collaboration and new energy – which is to say, more of the trust-worthy production and innovation you expect from us.
White Industries has been making high-end, USA-made bicycle components since 1978. They’re best known for the reliability of their hubs, headsets and cranksets, all of which are machined in Petaluma. Founder Doug White was an early components producer for Tom Ritchey and other heroes of the Bay Area mountain bike scene in the 70’s and 80’s and his brand has continued refining their craft ever since. In recent years Doug has stepped away from daily operations and handed the reigns to his son Alec who will now oversee Rolf Prima as well.
“I’ve been working in my family’s business for as long as I could tie my shoelaces and for nearly all that time, we’ve been collaborating with Rolf Prima,” says Alec. “When the opportunity presented to purchase the brand, it was a clear win. We’re both smaller companies that produce our own products. We have similar values, strong relationships and awesome crews.”
Though Alec will formally run the show, our long-time Production Manager turned GM, Jimmy Krigbaum will continue to lead our team here in Oregon.
“We have been working together on a regular basis for a long time,” says Krigbaum. “This opens the door for even more exciting collaborations.”
Outgoing Rolf Prima owner Brian Roddy first met the creator of paired-spokes wheels, Rolf Dietrich at Trek bicycle where he was working as an engineer. Dietrich licensed the brand and patented paired-spoke technology to Trek, catapulting the brand into the international cycling world. The two later founded Rolf Prima as a standalone business with Roddy taking ownership upon Rolf’s retirement. For the 20 years since, we’ve continued to evolve, innovate and grow while keeping our eyes on the singular goal of making the fastest, most reliable wheels on the planet.
Brian will remain on for the coming months to ensure a smooth transition. “I couldn’t ask for a better crew to continue the vision of Rolf Prima and Astral Cycling than White Industries. I wanted to hand off this company to people that understand what is special about what we do and to continue to build on that. That’s exactly what’s happening.”
We’re heading into the next era with new energy, a rich history, big goals and a strong team. It’s the newest manifestation of what you know us for – proven history blended with constant innovation. We genuinely thank you for your support and patronage during this last era and look forward to bringing you more great things in the years to come.
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