Rolf Prima Staff Profile: Loren Mason-Gere

Name: Loren Mason-Gere
Position: Director of Sales & Marketing

What are you currently pedaling? Give us the full kit!

I split time between a couple bikes, but the best are:

Kona Hei Hei mounted on Alsea 30’s with fast xc tires.

Kona Libre with Hyalite Carbon Wide's, DI2 kit and Rene Herse tires.

What got you into cycling?

My dad has always loved bikes and started us early. I can’t remember a time when getting on a bike and riding wasn’t at the top of the list of things I wanted to do. As years went by, my relationship has only deepened. Bikes have brought me most of the dear friends and greatest adventures of my life.

How did you come to Rolf Prima?

I got my first pair of Rolf Prima wheels when I was working at shop and was blown away by how awesome they were. As a native Oregonian, I loved that they were made here. I gradually got to know Brian, the owner and at some point we decided it’d be smart to work together. I’m fairly certain we both still agree.

What is the one tool you couldn't do your job without?

The internet.

What do you like to do on your days off?

Ride. The longer and harder the better. Drink coffee. Yoga and Meditation. Walk the dogs. Eat healthy food. Best if some to most of these activities take place with my lady. 

Ok and let's hear some favorites… 

Food: Sushi.
Music: Depending on the moment, you may find me listening to anything from Wu Tang Clan to Ryan Adams, Alan Jackson to Krishna Das. I put no limits around such things.
Bike: Eli built my Sky gravel bike out steel and love, just for me. That can’t be beat.
Wheels: Anything built by Jimmy. 

What’s an accomplishment you’re most proud of? 

Winning Butte 100 mountain bike race was the best thing I ever did for exactly 10 minutes, then I realized racing bikes doesn’t matter. Every incremental change I make to become a better man does matter though, so I’m just trying to add those up.

If you could take a bike adventure anywhere in the world where would it be?

Current greatest scheme is an epic tour in SE Asia, the details of which are still a secret. All of The Western Wildlands Bikepacking Route.

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