Rolf Prima Athlete Biography: Kate Bevilaqua

Hailing from Perth in Western Australia, Kate Bevilaqua has been dominating the professional triathlete circuit for over 20 years with the last 5 taking a turn into Ultra Endurance events. 

To say Kate is a force to be reckoned with would be an understatement as her trophy cabinet is more like a walk-in closet with 3 Ironman titles, multiple Ironman 70.3 World Championships, and one 2015 overall victory of the Ultra520K (a 3 day Canandian event) that made her the first female in history to win an Ultraman Event outright. 

Outside of her competition life, Kate has been splitting the last 12 years of her life between Australia and Boise, Idaho with her Kiwi husband (and fellow Rolf Prim Team Memeber) Guy Crawford. They co-parent a cat named Ozzy and have started the Coaching Company GKEndurance where they thrive on helping others achieve optimal performance.



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